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Storytelling Books

Hand-curated list of the best storytelling books

Storytelling books are a great way to build and extend your knowledge in storytelling. We will help you find the right ones!

Updated: May 6, 2024, 5:47pm

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Staff Pick

Building a Story Brand

Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
By: Donald Miller
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Audiobook length: 4 hours and 56 minutes
Book length: 240 pages
Published: October 2017
Recommended for:
Every Marketer

About the book

Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller offers a transformative approach to marketing by leveraging the power of storytelling to connect with customers. Miller introduces the StoryBrand Framework, a seven-part process designed to help businesses clarify their message, making it easier for customers to listen, engage, and buy. The book is centered around the idea that customers are the heroes of their own stories, and brands succeed when they position themselves as guides to help these heroes overcome challenges. Through practical steps and examples, Miller demonstrates how to craft compelling narratives that resonate with audiences and drive business growth.

What you will learn

  • The Fundamentals of Storytelling in Marketing: Understand how to use the seven elements of storytelling to make your brand more appealing and memorable to your target audience.
  • Clarifying Your Brand Message: Learn techniques to simplify your brand's message so that it cuts through the noise and directly speaks to your customers' needs and desires.
  • Positioning the Customer as the Hero: Discover the importance of making the customer the focal point of your story, positioning your brand as the guide that helps them achieve their goals.
  • Creating Effective Calls to Action: Gain insights on how to craft compelling calls to action that motivate customers to engage with your brand and make purchases.
  • Avoiding Common Marketing Mistakes: Learn to identify and avoid common pitfalls in marketing messaging that can alienate customers or dilute your brand's impact.

Why we like it

We're truly impressed with "Building a StoryBrand" by Donald Miller. Its straightforward approach reshapes marketing into a clear, engaging journey. The book's strength lies in its practical application across any business, making complex concepts accessible and actionable. Through real-life examples and a compelling narrative, Miller guides readers to refine and articulate their brand's message with precision. The result? A deeper, more meaningful connection with audiences. This book isn't just about theory; it's a tested pathway to enhancing communication and achieving tangible results. For anyone aiming to elevate their marketing strategy, this guide is a beacon, inspiring a shift towards more impactful storytelling. It's a testament to the power of clarity and empathy in crafting messages that resonate.

Staff Pick


Why Things Catch On
By: Jonah Berger
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Audiobook length: 6 hours and 50 minutes
Book length: 256 pages
Published: May 2016
Recommended for:
Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Marketers

About the book

In "Contagious: Why Things Catch On," Jonah Berger reveals the secret science behind word-of-mouth and social transmission. This book uncovers why certain stories get shared, emails get forwarded, or videos go viral. Berger explores the key factors that make something contagious, using principles named STEPPS—Social currency, Triggers, Emotion, Public, Practical Value, and Stories. With real-life examples and insights drawn from behavioral science, Berger provides a set of specific, actionable techniques for helping information spread—for designing messages, advertisements, and content that people will share. Whether you are a manager at a big company, a small business owner trying to boost awareness, or simply curious about how things catch on, this book will change the way you think about why things become popular.

What you will learn

  • The STEPPS Framework: Understand the six key principles that make ideas contagious
  • The Power of Word-of-Mouth: Learn why personal recommendations are more influential than traditional advertising
  • Emotion's Role in Virality: Discover how evoking certain emotions can significantly increase the chance of a message being shared
  • The Importance of Triggers: Find out how everyday cues can remind people of your product or idea and increase word-of-mouth
  • Crafting Contagious Content: Gain insights into creating messages and stories that people will share

Why we like it

We appreciate "Contagious: Why Things Catch On" for its insightful dive into the mechanics of virality in the digital age. Jonah Berger does an excellent job of blending academic research with real-world examples, making complex concepts accessible and actionable for anyone. This book stands out because it goes beyond the typical focus on digital tactics to reveal the underlying psychological principles that drive sharing. We found the STEPPS framework particularly useful for thinking about our projects and how to make them more shareable. Berger's emphasis on word-of-mouth and the power of social influence resonates with our understanding of effective marketing strategies today. His storytelling approach not only keeps the reader engaged but also helps cement the book's concepts in practical, memorable ways. Whether you're in marketing, entrepreneurship, or simply curious about the dynamics of popularity, "Contagious" offers valuable lessons on how to make your ideas stick and spread. It's a must-read for those looking to make an impact with their message.

Staff Pick

Made to Stick

Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
By: Chip Heath, Dan Heath
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Audiobook length: 8 hours and 37 minutes
Book length: 336 pages
Published: January 2007
Recommended for:
Entrepreneurs, Business leaders, Marketers, Social Innovators

About the book

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip and Dan Heath dives into the fascinating world of why some ideas gain traction and others falter. The book, harnessing a blend of social history, psychology, and anecdotes, presents a compelling exploration of how ideas can be crafted to be memorable and influential. It draws upon diverse examples, from urban legends to business success stories, to provide a comprehensive analysis of the anatomy of ideas that resonate and endure.

What you will learn

  • Core of Ideas: Understand the essence of an idea and how maintaining this core is crucial for its stickiness.
    Unexpectedness: Learn how surprising elements can captivate attention and make an idea more memorable.
    Concreteness: Discover the importance of specificity and clarity in making an idea understandable and retainable.
    Credibility: Gain insights into building trust and believability around an idea.
    Emotional Connection: Explore how tapping into emotions can enhance the impact and retention of an idea.
    Power of Stories: Realize how incorporating narratives can effectively convey ideas and inspire action.

Why we like it

Made to Stick stands out for its insightful, yet accessible approach to understanding how ideas resonate. The Heaths' exploration of the SUCCESs framework offers invaluable lessons for anyone looking to influence and inspire, be it in business, education, or personal life. Their use of relatable examples, combined with solid research, makes the book not only informative but also engaging. It’s a brilliant read for those striving to make their messages more effective and memorable, whether they are marketers, educators, or just everyday communicators. The depth and breadth of applications for these principles, across various fields and personal scenarios, make this book a versatile tool in your arsenal. Its thought-provoking and entertaining nature ensures that the concepts discussed are themselves an embodiment of the 'sticky' ideas the Heath brothers advocate.

Staff Pick

All Marketers are Liars

The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works--and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All
By: Seth Godin
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Audiobook length: 4 hours and 17 minutes
Book length: 240 pages
Published: April 2012
Recommended for:
Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Business leaders

About the book

All Marketers are Liars by Seth Godin is an insightful exploration into the world of marketing, focusing on the power of storytelling in creating successful campaigns. Godin argues that great marketing isn’t about features or benefits but about crafting a compelling story that fits the worldview of the audience. He emphasizes the need for authenticity in these stories, warning against crossing into deceit. This book dissects how consumers believe in the stories they want to believe, turning them into self-fulfilling truths, thereby shaping their perception of various products and services.

What you will learn

  • The Importance of Storytelling in Marketing: Discover the role of storytelling in shaping consumer perceptions and behaviors.
  • Aligning with the Consumer’s Worldview: Learn how to frame your story within the worldview of your target audience to maximize engagement.
  • The Dangers of Inauthentic Stories: Understand the pitfalls of dishonest marketing and the value of authenticity.
  • Bypassing the Traditional Gatekeepers: Gain insights into connecting directly with customers in a marketplace where traditional gatekeepers are becoming less relevant.
  • Marketing as a Spread of Ideas: Explore the expanded definition of marketing, including the spread of ideas in various fields beyond traditional product advertising.

Why we like it

We find "All Marketers Are Liars" compelling for its unconventional approach to marketing, emphasizing authenticity and storytelling over traditional sales tactics. Seth Godin's ability to articulate complex marketing concepts in a straightforward manner makes this book a valuable resource for marketers and consumers alike. We appreciate how Godin encourages marketers to embrace honesty and authentic connections with their audience, rather than relying on misleading narratives. His insights into consumer behavior and perception offer a fresh perspective on how marketing can be more ethical and effective. The book's focus on storytelling resonates with the current market trend where brands are seen as entities with values and stories, rather than just suppliers of products or services. This makes "All Marketers Are Liars" not only a thought-provoking read but also a relevant guide in today's rapidly changing marketing landscape.

Epic Content Marketing

How to Tell a Different Story, Break through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less
By: Joe Pulizzi
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Audiobook length: 8 hours and 34 minutes
Book length: 352 pages
Published: September 2013
Recommended for:
Digital Marketers, Content Creators, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs

About the book

Epic Content Marketing by Joe Pulizzi is a comprehensive guide on harnessing the power of storytelling in content marketing. Pulizzi, recognized as a leading figure in this field, explores the various facets of creating and executing an effective content marketing strategy. The book dives into the essentials of engaging audiences, breaking through the clutter in digital spaces, and ultimately, winning more customers by marketing less but more effectively.

What you will learn

  • Content Marketing Foundations: Understand the basics and history of content marketing
  • Creating a Content Niche: Learn how to identify and target your content marketing niche effectively
  • Developing a Content Strategy: Discover steps to devise an effective content marketing strategy, including crafting a mission statement
  • Content Creation and Utilization: Get insights into various content types and how to effectively use available resources
  • Measuring Success: Learn how to track and measure the success of your content marketing efforts

Why we like it

We admire "Epic Content Marketing" for its comprehensive, yet accessible approach to an increasingly crucial area of marketing. Joe Pulizzi’s expertise shines throughout the book, making it a must-read for anyone in the field. His ability to break down complex concepts into digestible and implementable strategies is exceptional. The book is filled with inspirational examples and real-life case studies, making the lessons both practical and relatable. Pulizzi's emphasis on storytelling and mission-driven content is particularly compelling, as it aligns with the current trend towards more authentic and customer-centric marketing. His enthusiastic and straightforward writing style makes the book an enjoyable and enlightening read. For marketers looking to elevate their content strategy and cut through the clutter in today's crowded digital space, this book is a valuable asset.

Brand Identity Breakthrough

How to Craft Your Company’s Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible
By: Gregory V. Diehl
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Audiobook length: 6 hours and 10 minutes
Book length: 274 pages
Published: March 2017
Recommended for:
Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Marketers

About the book

Brand Identity Breakthrough by Gregory V Diehl is a comprehensive guide for businesses to craft unique and compelling stories. It focuses on establishing a brand identity that resonates with customers, making products and services irresistible. The book emphasizes the importance of trust, integrity, and understanding customers' perspectives for successful branding.

What you will learn

  • Importance of Trust in Business: Understand how building trust is crucial for brand success
  • Crafting a Unique Brand Story: Learn how to create and tell a story that distinguishes your brand
  • Understanding Customer Needs: Gain insights into identifying and addressing what customers truly value

Why we like it

We find "Brand Identity Breakthrough" to be a crucial resource for its thorough and thoughtful approach to brand storytelling and identity. We appreciate how Gregory V. Diehl emphasizes the moral and ethical aspects of business, stressing the importance of trust and value in all transactions. The book is not just theoretical; it offers a practical roadmap, filled with probing questions and exercises that encourage deep self-reflection and strategic thinking. We admire the book’s clarity in explaining how to craft a narrative that is both authentic to the business and resonates with the target audience. The inclusion of real-life examples and case studies enhances its applicability, providing readers with a clear vision of how these principles can be implemented. This book is an essential read for those looking to create a distinct and memorable brand identity in today’s competitive marketplace.

Wired for Story

The Writer's Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence
By: Lisa Cron
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Audiobook length: 7 hours and 59 minutes
Book length: 272 pages
Published: July 2012
Recommended for:
Copywriters, Digital Marketers, Content Marketer

About the book

Wired for Story by Lisa Cron leverages the fascinating findings of brain science to demonstrate how writers can craft compelling stories that hook readers from the very first sentence. Cron, a seasoned writing instructor and story consultant, argues that stories are more than just sequences of events—they are carefully designed to stimulate the brain in specific ways. This book provides readers with tools to understand exactly how and why certain storytelling techniques work, allowing them to write more engaging and effective stories. Using a blend of neurological research and practical writing advice, Cron explores the elements that make stories resonate deeply with audiences.

What you will learn

  • Brain Science Behind Storytelling: Discover the cognitive secrets that explain why humans are naturally wired to respond to certain story elements.
  • Crafting Compelling Characters: Learn how to create characters that readers care about and want to follow through every page turn.
  • Structuring Your Narrative: Gain insights on how to build a plot that leverages natural curiosity and cognitive responses to maintain reader engagement.
  • Improving Reader Engagement: Understand how to keep your reader’s brain engaged from start to finish, using techniques that tap into core human instincts and emotions.
  • Practical Writing Tips: Implement actionable tips to enhance your writing based on how readers’ brains perceive and process stories.

Why we like it

We appreciate "Wired for Story" for its innovative approach to writing, combining the art of storytelling with scientific insights into how the brain works. Lisa Cron’s explanations are clear and compelling, providing a new lens through which to view the craft of writing. This book is particularly valuable because it not only tells you how to structure your narrative or develop your characters but also explains why these methods affect readers the way they do. The practical advice, grounded in science, makes this guide a must-read for both new and experienced writers who want to elevate their storytelling skills. Cron's use of real-world examples and direct, engaging prose makes complex scientific concepts accessible and relevant to everyday writing tasks.

Inbound Content

A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing Content Marketing the Inbound Way
By: Justin Champion
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Audiobook length: 5 hours and 38 minutes
Book length: 256 pages
Published: April 2018
Recommended for:
Digital Marketers, Content Creators, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs

About the book

Inbound Content by Justin Champion is an indispensable guide for crafting and implementing a successful content marketing strategy. This book is a practical manual, taking you through the necessary steps to create content that not only attracts the right audience but also effectively turns them into leads and customers. It emphasizes the significance of valuable, relevant, and consistent content, which is the key to building your brand in today's content-saturated digital landscape.

What you will learn

  • Content Creation Framework: Understand how to develop a repeatable and organized framework for producing diverse content types efficiently.
  • Storytelling and Idea Generation: Discover the power of storytelling in content creation and learn effective techniques for generating content ideas.
  • Long-term Strategy Planning: Get insights on planning a long-term content strategy and creating a content creation timeline to stay agile yet focused.
  • Content Promotion and Analysis: Learn how to promote your content successfully and analyze its performance for continuous improvement.
  • Developing a Growth Mentality: Explore how to extend the value of your content and evolve your writing skills, along with adopting a growth marketing mindset.

Why we like it

We're impressed with how "Inbound Content" makes the complex world of content marketing approachable and actionable. Justin Champion, with his extensive experience in the field, has distilled his knowledge into a guide that is both comprehensive and easy to follow. The book's focus on developing a unified content strategy and its emphasis on storytelling are particularly valuable. It's a practical resource for anyone looking to leverage content marketing effectively, whether they're new to the field or seasoned professionals. The step-by-step approach to creating and implementing content strategies, coupled with real-world examples, makes this book a must-have for anyone serious about using content as a tool for business growth.

The Wizard of Ads

Turning Words into Magic and Dreamers into Millionaires
By: Roy H. Williams
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Audiobook length: 4 hours and 41 minutes
Book length: 244 pages
Published: June 1998
Recommended for:
Marketers, Business Owners, Sales Professionals

About the book

The Wizard of Ads by Roy H. Williams offers a unique blend of wisdom and insight into the art of advertising and persuasion. Through a series of short, engaging essays, Williams explores the psychological foundations of advertising, weaving together anecdotes, historical references, and personal insights to illustrate how effective advertising strategies can tap into the deeper motivations of consumers. Unlike traditional advertising manuals that provide step-by-step instructions, this book delves into the why behind advertising effectiveness, offering readers a profound understanding of how to connect with their audience on a more meaningful level.

What you will learn

  • Psychology of Persuasion: Explore how human behavior and psychology influence purchasing decisions.
  • Creative Communication: Discover strategies for crafting compelling messages that resonate with audiences.
  • Building Customer Relationships: Learn the importance of building trust and relationships with customers rather than just selling to them.
  • Storytelling in Advertising: Understand the power of storytelling and how to use it to captivate and persuade.
  • Practical Marketing Insights: Gain actionable insights through a series of thought-provoking essays that challenge conventional advertising wisdom.

Why we like it

The Wizard of Ads is appreciated for its philosophical and introspective approach to advertising. Roy H. Williams' ability to distill complex ideas into engaging and accessible prose makes this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in the deeper aspects of marketing and communication. The essays are concise yet packed with insightful lessons that transcend basic advertising techniques, encouraging readers to think critically about how they communicate with their customers.

The Power of Visual Storytelling

How to Use Visuals, Videos, and Social Media to Market Your Brand
By: Ekaterina Walter, Jessica Gioglio
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Audiobook length: 6 hours and 35 minutes
Book length: 240 pages
Published: January 2015
Recommended for:
Marketers, Content Creators, Social Media Managers, Small Business Owners

About the book

In the modern digital landscape, creating compelling visual content is essential for brands to cut through the noise and engage audiences effectively. "The Power of Visual Storytelling" is a comprehensive guide that empowers marketers and businesses to harness the power of visuals, videos, and social media to elevate their brand and messaging. Written by industry experts Ekaterina Walter and Jessica Gioglio, this book provides a wealth of strategies, tactics, and best practices for crafting visual narratives that resonate. From leveraging platforms like Instagram and YouTube to producing attention-grabbing infographics and animations, this resource equips you with the tools to craft a cohesive, visually-driven brand experience.

What you will learn

  • How to develop a visually-oriented content strategy tailored to your brand
  • Best practices for creating visually-compelling content across platforms
  • Tactics to optimize videos, images, and graphics for maximum engagement
  • Methods for incorporating visual storytelling into your social media efforts
  • Ways to measure and analyze the performance of your visual content

Why we like it

In today's social media-driven world, the ability to communicate your brand's story through visuals is paramount. "The Power of Visual Storytelling" shines as an invaluable resource for mastering this critical skill. We deeply appreciate how Walter and Gioglio's diverse expertise – from Fortune 500 companies to buzzy startups – informs their well-rounded, highly practical advice.

The book's comprehensive coverage, extending from content strategy to cross-platform execution, creates a cohesive framework for elevating your entire visual marketing approach. Whether you need guidance on producing live videos, designing thumb-stopping graphics, or integrating visual elements into your campaigns, this book serves as a one-stop guide.

What truly sets this book apart, however, is its inspiring and infectious passion for the art of visual communication. Walter and Gioglio don't simply regurgitate dry tactics; they awaken readers to the emotive power of visuals and their unmatched ability to forge human-brand connections. Their enthusiasm is contagious, motivating marketers to embrace visual storytelling wholeheartedly.

In an increasingly visual world, this book emerges as a must-read for organizations looking to create resonant, memorable brand narratives that outshine their competition. Consider it your invitation to embrace the power of visuals.