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Competitor Analysis
Browser Extension
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About Whatruns

WhatRuns is a lightweight browser extension that provides detailed insights into the technologies powering websites. It's designed for developers, marketers, and tech enthusiasts interested in understanding the frameworks, plugins, and software that sites are using. With a single click, users can see which CMS, web server, or JavaScript framework a website relies on. The extension also identifies analytics tools, advertising networks, and even font services in use. WhatRuns stands out due to its user-friendly design and comprehensive detection capabilities, making it easier for users to research competitors, identify trends, and discover new tools. This tool is especially useful for businesses aiming to stay current with industry technology or understand the tech stack of competitors.

Whatruns Features

See the technologies a website is using Monitor a websites' technology changes

Whatruns Pricing

  • Free to use

This is what Whatruns looks like

whatruns technology lookup competitor analysis tool
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